Burnt out? This will help

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Burnout is a condition of mental, bodily, and emotional weariness brought on by continuous and overwhelming stress. In poker, burnout results from playing too much poker to the point where it has a detrimental impact on your game.

Consider the following tips if you would like to avoid poker burnout.

Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle

As a professional poker player, nobody likes to go on a diet and exercise regularly. Players love to sit back, rest, and make money while having a good time.

Exercise does something that has already been scientifically proven to increase our general well-being and cognition.

It is critical for poker players, particularly grinders, who devote significant time to playing this card game. Exercise can help you clear your head and prepare for upcoming poker challenges. Furthermore, it helps to maintain concentration and energy for long periods, which will, in turn, make you a better player.

Dieting is also essential. Since playing poker is a passive activity, gaining weight might affect your performance.

Have other interests

Among the reasons players experience burnout is because poker is their primary focus. You should exercise your mind and avoid concentrating on one thing in particular. Expanding your knowledge base may improve your poker skills.

Finding alternative hobbies is an integral part of avoiding poker burnout. The time it takes to regain your energy will help ease the pressure you're experiencing in the poker rooms.

When you examine some of the world's best professional poker players, you'll see that they're frequently just as enthusiastic about something different as they are about poker.

Concentrating on one activity might dull the mind somewhat. Our brains need a diversity of inputs to function at their highest capacity.

Make a timetable

Scheduling is the single most effective strategy for avoiding burnout when playing poker. Planning your days involves more than simply arranging important events. 

It covers the periods you're going to play poker, eat, and engage in pleasurable activities, as well as the most important one: allocated times for resting.

Poker must be a solid balance of quality and quantity. Could you look over it to make sure your life balance is present? Extended sessions are also acceptable as long as they are not repeated daily. You need to take care of your body to save your money.

Consult and assess your game

People need help to assess themselves accurately. It includes your errors, desires, growth areas, and level of satisfaction with the game. It is wise to seek out another person's viewpoint because they are more likely to be objective. A buddy or poker coach may be able to detect whether you're facing burnout.

 If you've been playing a lot lately, losing and not knowing why to, ask a trustworthy person if they believe you're burning out. When they agree, take some time off and return when you're prepared.


Proactively manage your poker career. You will get burned out if you don't strike a work-life balance. When you're exhausted, you become a losing player. The game will drop you in the dirt.